Author archives

WAX Cloud Wallet Fills a Consumer-Friendly Void in the NFT Space

It might seem like ancient history, but there was a time not so long ago (in the early 1990s) when activities like browsing the internet and sending an email required levels of technical knowledge that rendered them too impractical, intimidating and cumbersome for most people to engage in. In those days, internet usage was largely …

People Are Finally Getting Jupiter-Pilled ($JUP)

“Earth people, New York and California. Earth people, I was born on Jupiter.” – Dr. Octagon The first time I can recall noticing Jupiter ($JUP) Project was a year or two ago when I was scanning for random “space themed” cryptocurrencies that seemed marketable. Some of the coins I was looking at back then like …

At the LBRY

For both content creators and regular users, there has been an increasing demand for alternatives to Youtube and various other “Big Tech” social media platforms. Having used sites like (now defunct), Gab, Parler, and BitChute, I’ve recently decided that one of the more promising “new media” creations is LBRY. LBRY insists that it is …